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Senin, 20 Januari 2014

Fanboy Meets World: 5 Things to Love About ‘After Earth’

Fanboy Meets World is a bi-weekly column that runs on alternate Mondays.

Listen: it’s not like “After Earth” is a good movie. But those of us with a fondness for comics, pulp adventure stories, gizmos, gadgets, gewgaws, fantasy realms and Fiend Folios ought not to turn up our noses. So it was more of a “Medium Willie” Weekend box office-wise, but for Fanboys there’s a lot to love in this unfairly maligned Scientology fable, er, I mean, tale of Father and Son facing obstacles. As a nerd, it is my job to list them.

1.) Smart Fabric

jaden smith after earth smart fabric

Jaden Smith isn’t running around in the woods in a onesie for no reason. He’s wearing “Smart Fabric” – unitards of the future that change color depending on the situation. At rest, you’re rockin’ something of a “burnt umber” color (if I’m remembering my Bob Ross correctly) but when trouble comes, your outfit turns black. That’s how you know sharp-toothed, stone-throwing monkeys are near. When you are freezing to the point of hypothermia and/or have a bloodstream pumped full of toxins from a mutant leech your clothes turn off-white and light blue, kinda resembling Tron Guy. Whether or not the new color will, you know, warm you up while you are cold remains unknown.

2.) 3D Holograms Everywhere

after earth

Will Smith spends most of the film behind a bank of computer screens monitoring Jaden on his quest to find the text-sending doohickey that be their rescue. In comics terms, he’s the elderly Bruce Wayne to Jaden’s Terry McGinnis. (Or the 7-Zark-7 to the G-Force Team if you want to go a little more hardcore.) Readouts with nifty fonts hover around him, making graphs and calculating survival rates as Jaden encounters setbacks. Best, though, are the peripherals that are ubiquitous in the future of “After Earth.” A gray, floppy rubber square is like a portable 3D holo-projectin’ Kindle Fire, making examining spreadsheets look just as cool as travelling faster-than-light. Speaking of which . . .

3.) Traveling

after earth spaceship

Okay, there’s an awful lot about “After Earth”’s backstory that’s a little vague (and I haven’t had a chance to dig into the paperback of collected prequel stories, even if one is written by my beloved Peter David.) Even though the Earth of “After Earth” was somehow destroyed by the recklessness of man (cue the CNN footage of storms!) humanity figured out a way to exeunt the pale blue dot and relocate to “Nova Prime.” Now, maybe there were generation ships, but the implication is that Mankind cracked the code of achieving superluminal speeds. We see it for a moment when Will Smith’s ranger Cypher Raige (yes! that name!) gives the order to “travel” to avoid getting pummeled by asteroids after a spacequake.

“Traveling” looked to me like an extrapolation of an Alcubierre Drive, a manipulation of spacetime that creates something of a warp bubble or mini wormhole. In the film, “traveling” is kinda like hitting a panic button. Without careful calculations you may wind up anywhere – but there’s no time to lose! – and that’s why our heroes end up on Earth.

4.) Cutlasses

after earth cutlass

The Rangers of “After Earth” are going to need a badass weapon, and that weapon is called the Cutlass. Cypher Raige’s version is called the C-40 Cutlass and it has 24 different settings. It’s a silver cylinder that pops out blades of varying shapes and sizes from either side, as if to say “screw you, Darth Maul, let’s see how many shapes YOU can make!” It is unclear if the Cutlass reads your mind or just knows when you need to change from a double-edged bastard sword a the humongous collection of sharp radio antennae-lookin’ weapons, but if it also has a leather punch it is the best Swiss army knife in this or any other universe.

5.) Ursas


The big meanies of “After Earth” are fear-sniffing, pincer shooting mammal-chompers that look like a cross between “Starship Troopers”’s arachnids and Peter Jackson’s version of Tolkien’s Shelob. They have a giant eye in the middle with some other little eyes around it and a little gray fur. They skitter and they pierce and they flay and they generally make a mess of things. But if you are brave (stupid?) enough not to be afraid of them they will just walk on by without paying you no never mind. It is to M. Night Shyamalan’s credit that, when the music swells as Jaden Smith just lays there to let a two-ton tarantula walk over him, you don’t crack up that much.

Fanboys, pass up that cool, refreshing glass of Haterade. “After Earth” may be dumb, but it’s our kind of dumb. I’ll be accepting your submissions for “After After Earth” fanfiction at once.

Categories: Columns

Tags: After Earth, Fanboy Meets World, Jaden smith, Jordan hoffman, M. night shyamalan, Planet Fanboy, Will smith

Jumat, 10 Januari 2014

Review: ‘After Earth’


We open with a voice-over, followed immediately by flashbacks. Incredibly, with these bold strokes, “After Earth” announces it will be terrible right from the outset, and woe be upon the person who holds out hope that it will get better after the initial wobbly start. It will not get better, it will only get worse, until you’re actively cheering for a teenage kid to get eaten by a tiger (and wanting the tiger to savor every bite). I didn’t plan to feel this way, and no one could have predicted the best possible outcome for the film would be the brutal murder of a character one of the Smithlettes was portraying, but you did this to me, “After Earth”. You made me root against the good guy, mostly because you made him so incompetent, so repugnant, so unlikable, that you rendered his journey and story arc meaningless. For when is a hero not a hero? When he acts worse than your average guy off the street. “After Earth” stupefies us with nonsense, such little thought and logic went into this idea that it can’t even be considered a rough draft, this is a movie almost daring an audience to emotionally detach throughout. For shame!

To explain the threadbare plot shouldn’t take particularly long, even though the 100-minute running time of “After Earth” lasts around six years. Will Smith, as the delightfully named Cypher Raige, is a general in a futuristic army. He’s human, a descendant of Earthlings forced to flee the planet because “we destroyed it,” though the destruction seems to have been a mix of nuclear bombs, pollution, and natural disasters. 1,000 years later, everyone lives on a planet called Nova Prime, where things are pretty peachy except for the occasional Ursa monster, a predator that is utterly blind, able to hunt based solely upon the scent humans make when they’re afraid. Cypher is FEARLESS, and thus doesn’t secrete the “fear” pheromone, so he’s able to waltz up to these Ursas and wallop them with impunity. He definitely gives them the ol’ “what for,” I tell you. Look here, Ursa, there’s a new sheriff in town, and this one can’t be smelt.

Also check out: The Films of M. Night Shyamalan, Ranked from Best to Worst

Now, set aside your thinking cap for just a moment, the one that says, “well couldn’t they wear airtight suits, or make a perfume, or use missiles, or mix fear smells with poisonous gas, or have robots punch all the Ursas, or use drones that existed a full millennium earlier to hunt the Ursa down, all while they snacked in front of a futuristic monitor?” No! Put all of these thoughts right out of your head! “After Earth” has no time for your foolishness, because it’s too busy getting Cypher and his son, Kitai (Jaden Smith, clearly typecast as Will’s son) together for an adventure. Kitai wants to be a Ranger too, just like his dad, but he doesn’t have the “no fear” part down yet, which would make him Ursa lunch, or dinner, depending on the time of day.

Cypher and Kitai (coincidentally the name of my new CBS pilot) are having trouble connecting, because dad is always out stomping around, secreting nothing but machismo and Old Spice. To alleviate the growing distance between them, Cypher brings Kitai along on a training mission, that, you guessed it, goes horribly wrong. They are then marooned on Earth, and Cypher is hurt, leaving Kitai to perform a dangerous life-saving mission by his lonesome. He’s got his dad to virtually lead him, using futuristic “Go-Pro” technology every step of the way, but he’s going to have to prove he’s got the right stuff, or else they are both, gulp, dead meat.

That’s not a terrible premise. Or rather, it’s not a wholly terrible premise, there are good parts in there, like the father-son bonding, future Rangers, and men who have been named Cypher without any subtext whatsoever. Sadly, as soon as the action switches to Earth, around 20 minutes in, it’s all doom from there on out. Little Kitai fights poisonous slugs, a giant bird, tigers, simians, and ultimately, ugh, himself. Along the way he’ll have to prove he’s every bit the man that dad is, even if dad happens to come off as a complete jerky jerk who raised a son that wouldn’t be fit to deliver newspapers on a rainy day. Indeed, Kitai is the kid you’d put in charge if you were working for Team Ursa, he has so many ways to fail that the scouts would label him a “five-fool player” and draft him the first round of the “nincompoop draft”.

Yes, Kitai is instantly unlikable, when he’s not listening to his parents, he’s proving he knows nothing about the world, and when he is tuning into what his father is saying, it’s usually just so he can come back with a genius rejoinder such as, “I can do it myself, Dad! I don’t need your help!”

So, unlikable hero, a distant and disposable father-son bond, but surely the futuristic aspect of “After Earth” gets in there and salvages this thing, right? Well, no. Not at all. If anything it makes it so much worse, because when the action parts are playing out, riddled with logic problems, you find yourself pining for the quiet stupidity of an abusive dad and his ninny son. For instance, Kitai wears a fancy suit that alerts him to danger by turning black, or to toxins by turning white. Now, whatever you do, don’t ask, “well, does it do something else besides turn color, like say put up a force field, or make him faster, or give him medicine, or maybe turn on an emergency jetpack, or provide a distraction to the predator, or camouflage him somewhat?” No! Do not ask these things, for the suit has just turned white, ooooh, how impressive. Why, they’ve stumbled onto the same lofty technology that the Coors guys use, to tell me when my beer is cold!

Here’s another example – the use of spears. Little Kitai Raige (Best band name ever) is sent out to fight thousands of predators with a mutable spear. Oh, it changes shapes, it can become a scythe, a sword, whatever sort of weapon you like, except for the one that would actually help, something along the lines of a machine gun. Can you imagine fighting off a pack of tiger-wolves with a freaking spear?! Or outrunning simians without anything resembling advanced technology? “After Earth” takes place in a time where we were able to figure out light speed and interstellar travel, but any weapon above “Swiss Army Knife” seems to outpace our ambition. That’s “After Earth” for you, where nothing makes any sense at all, not the weaponry, the relationships, the antagonists, or the mission itself. It’s astoundingly awful.

Thankfully, once you’ve gotten past the terrible logic and meaningless relationships, “After Earth” assaults you with a complete lack of tension. They are trying to kill this Kitai fellow off every ten minutes, only what are the chances of them doing just that? Especially 25 minutes in, when all the “action” commences? Everything in “After Earth” is arbitrary. Kitai must get to a transmitter because he needs to transmit. Cypher must not leave the ship himself because he’s hurt, no one else an be around because they’ve only got the one camera crew and so on, and so forth. He has exactly enough oxygen to finish the mission! Safety, each evening, is the exact distance he could plausibly reach! Cypher can man the computer interface 24/7 because he never needs bathroom breaks or food! And so on, and so forth, into the cold receding distance of irrelevance.

The level to which “After Earth” is a catastrophe is amazing, but what’s even more impressive is the lengths everyone must have had to gone to for such an epic level of failure. Everyone involved, from director M. Night Shyamalan all the way down to Jaden Smith is culpable, and truly capable of so much better. “After Earth” shouldn’t be seen on this planet, and if we ever discover new ones, habitable ones, we should take steps to make sure it’s never shown there either, just in case.

SCORE: 1.2 / 10

Laremy wrote the book on film criticism and thinks Shamalan’s best movie is actually “Unbreakable”.

Categories: Reviews

Tags: After Earth, Jaden smith, Laremy legel, M. night shyamalan, Review, Will smith

Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013

Your Daily Short: ‘After Rain’

Welcome to Your Daily Short, a new feature on Film.com that will highlight and stream a short film at high noon. Every weekday. Every week.

TODAY’S SHORT: “After Rain” (Péter Mészáros) 2002


Why You Should Watch It: A leaf floating in still water. A man in a doorframe. A woman riding her bicycle, falling, and then getting to her feet. A Palme d’or for Best Short Film at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival. It might not seem to add up, especially because – upon first blush – “After Rain” almost plays like a parody of student filmmaking (that mournful violin score kinda puts things over the top). And yet, watching the film for a second time (highly encouraged, by the way) reveals that this deceptively innocuous portrait of an uncertain domestic situation is a masterclass in semiotics, writer / director Péter Mészáros carefully parceling out information so as to create a certain infinity of potential meaning with a poverty of direct action. Nothing is certain, as the chronology, threats, and signifiers are all confused until all we know is that there is an irreconcilable gulf between what we see and what we know.

Watch the previous Daily Short: “A MOVIE”

Do you have a favorite short film that you would like us to feature as Your Daily Short? Whether it’s something you love, something you made, or both, send it along to Filmdotcomshorts@Gmail.com and you might see it on the site!

Categories: Columns

Tags: After Rain, Cannes, Short Film, Your Daily Short

Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013



Tanggal Rilis : 3 October 2012 (France)
Jenis Film : Drama
Diperankan Oleh : Tessa Ia, Gonzalo Vega Jr., Tamara Yazbek

Ringkasan Cerita AFTER LUCIA (2012) :

The story, based on a mixture of several real cases, describes the relationship between Roberto (Hernán Mendoza) and his 17 year old daughter, Alejandra (Tessa Ía González Norvind). Roberto is depressed after his wife Lucía’s death at a road accident and decide to leave Puerto Vallarta and live in Mexico City. Alejandra tries to help him, but a very difficult situation arises for her at the new school: she is a victim of bullying and hostilities by her new mates. She decides “to take her mother’s place and does not say anything about her situation, so as to protect her father.

[IMDb rating : 7.1/10]
[Awards : 3 wins & 3 nominations]
[Production Co : Pop Films, Filmadora Nacional, Lemon Films]
[IMDb link : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2368749]

[Quality : DVDRip]
[File Size : 400 MB]
[Format : Matroska >> mkv]
[Resolution : 640x360]
[Language : Spanish]
[Source : DVDrip.XviD.AC3-XaW]
[Encoder : nItRo]

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Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

Trailer: M. Night Shyamalan’s ‘After Earth’

From our pals at NextMovie:

Every year, untold thousands of American fathers and sons embark on a ritual bonding trip that often involves camping in the wilderness, hiking, fishing and other manly rites of passage. But you know what would make that stuff even cooler? If they were being attacked by hordes of mutated animals.

At least, that’s the takeaway from the new trailer for Will and Jaden Smith’s “After Earth.”

Courtesy of Apple Trailers, the latest look at this summer’s M. Night Shyamalan sci-fi epic features a closer look at the father-son bonding element of “After Earth.” Turns out that the story starts with the duo heading off into space for a little face time to repair their unhappy relationship. And then, of course, it ends with them trying to repair a crashed spaceship on the surface of a deadly future Earth filled with bizarre monsters.

All of which makes “After Earth,” which arrives on June 7, the perfect movie for Father’s Day this year. So check out the new trailer and then give your own dad a hug.

Because chances are, that guy would literally fight a horde of irradiated baboons for you, just like Will Smith.

Categories: No Categories

Tags: After Earth, Jaden smith, M. night shyamalan, Trailer, Will smith

Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

Q&A: Marion Cotillard Never Wants to Go to Another Marineland After ‘Rust and Bone’

It’s only when you feel like you’ve lost everything that you learn who you really are. That’s the thesis of the new French film “Rust and Bone,” starring Academy Award winner Marion Cotillard and Matthias Schoenaerts. Cotillard plays Stephanie, an orca trainer who loses her legs and career following a tragic accident. Following the incident, she’s forced to cope with her new life while also navigating a new relationship with Alain (Schoenaerts), a street fighter and single dad.

The subtitled film is surrounded by awards buzz for its unique story, artsy cinematography and full-hearted performances. This week, before awards season winds up to full speed, Cotillard sat down with Film.com at New York City’s Crosby Hotel to talk Oscars, her new film and why she’ll never visit a Marineland again.

In the U.S., you’re best known for your roles in “Inception” and “The Dark Knight Rises.” “Rust and Bone” has a decidedly different tone. What made you want to get involved in this film?
I’ve always wanted to work with Jacques Audiard, ever since his first movie. So having a proposition from him was really, really crazy amazing for me, and then I read the script. I expected a very special story from him, because all of his movies are very, very special. But I didn’t expect a love story, I didn’t know it was, and I thought it was even more exciting and I totally fell in love with it, and with this character. I fell in love with all the characters in this movie, in this story, and Stephanie was — I felt that would be an experience that I had never had before. That’s what I am looking for in a project, something that I’ve never done before.

Also the fact that before Jacques’ movie I had done many movies with characters based on true people or and I had a lot of material to work with, a lot of information about those people. With [Stephanie], it was like a huge mystery. I had very little information about her. We had to create almost everything. And the opportunity to create and to get into that process of creating someone with such an amazing and brilliant and smart director as Jacques Audiard was really exciting and really inspiring.

You described the movie as a love story, but it’s not a traditional romance. How would you describe it?
It’s definitely an unconventional love story and I think it’s a love story between him and her, between him and his son, between her and the son, and of course between her and the orca. It’s how when there’s nothing left but yourself to face, what do you do with it? Do you let it in, or do you choose to stay out and give up? But then when love is involved there’s no way you will give up.

You mentioned that you did a lot of work creating Stephanie. Did you meet with amputees for character research?
I met with people who worked with orcas because I had to train for the whole choreography of the show, and I cannot be an orca trainer without having to work on that a little bit. But about the amputees, I started to watch footage of people with no legs to see how they move, but very quickly I realized that I didn’t need it because it’s just happened in her life and I didn’t want to have too much information. I thought that I would experience with her what it was. So I didn’t meet anyone, no, for that part. Then your imagination starts to work. What I loved about working with Jacques also is that his search for authenticity can take many directions and to explore many directions is really inspiring and then eventually you will find the authenticity of it. The version you’ve chosen will be richer of all the other versions you’ve explored.

So when you’re doing the hand commands with the whales, you were actually working with them?
Yeah, it was actually during a real show, so I was part of the show and it was a real audience, so we had worked on this before. yeah, I had worked on learning how to ask and to get what I want, and I was very nervous because those people had paid to see a show. I was leading the show, but it went well.

Is that something you ever imagined yourself doing?
Oh my God, never. And I never want to do it again.

Were you scared?
I was not scared of them, I was scared of where they are. The Marineland is not a place where I want to go. I went there once in Chicago and it was a disaster. I cried the whole way because it’s hard for me to see those animals in that kind of environment.

Some animal rights groups are upset about the use of captive animals in the film. It sounds like you might have some sympathy for them.
Well, I remember when I first heard about the project, and I heard about this character, there was a discussion between an agent and some actors, and it was like maybe a year before I was approached. I thought, “Oh my god, as much as I want to work with this director, this is something that I’ll never be able to do.” But then I read the script and I had totally forgotten about that thought, and it actually came back in my mind when I came back to the Marineland. I thought, “Oh my god, this is all real and they’re really there.” But the story and the relationship she has with the whales and what happens to her and especially when she comes back to the whale was — I mean, if it had been a movie about a Marineland, I don’t know if I would have been able to do it. But the relationship with the animals was very powerful, and it was not just showing a Marineland show or something. But it’s still working with animals and it’s still working in a Marineland, which is something that I accepted even though I am not supporting it.

Just a tradeoff you had to make for the role.
Yeah, for the story. Because it was a story that shows something more than just captivity.

Is there a difference in your comfort level between doing a French-language film and an English-speaking part?
Of course, [in French films] I have less work on the language, obviously. But it’s not something that I think about. When I read a story and I feel it’s something that I belong to the story, then you have to work, and to make it work, and find the authenticity of it. But I never think, “Oh, that’s going to be easier because it’s in French,” or “Oh, that’s going to be easy because I have no makeup and hair and I’m going to show up five minutes before action.” It’s not something that I think about.

Do you think “Rust and Bone” could ever have been made in the U.S.?
Yeah. There’s nothing to compare with. It would be, of course, totally different. But even in French, if another director would tell this story it would be different, because there’s no one like Jacques Audiard, there’s no one like another director. But of course here, originally it’s a Canadian story, a story made with two short stories of Craig Davidson. But no, I mean, [the U.S. has] a very interesting independent industry. Well, independent industry, I don’t know if that works, but yeah. And very, very strong visions, very, very strong directors who do amazing independent films, so yeah, I’m sure it would have. It’s a very special story that could totally fit a U.S. film.

How do you choose your roles? You’ve played such varied characters.
Well, I read a story and when I feel that I belong to a story and a story belongs to me, and that I’m gonna be able to give everything I can to the character and the story, it’s really organic. I read something and it gets into my blood and I need to do it. It’s as simple as that.

“Rust and Bone” is getting a lot of Oscar buzz. What do you think of that?
Well, I’m excited that people love the movie, and to be able to share this movie out of my country and have this response to it is really, really exciting. The Oscar buzz itself, I don’t really, I mean, you know, I hear things. But I’m not thinking about it at all, I just want to share the movie. That’s the most important thing for me.

You won the Best Actress Academy Award in 2007 for “La Vie en Rose.” Since you’ve already won a statue, do you feel less pressure now leading up to awards season?
Well, I didn’t have the pressure then, I was enjoying every second of it, and then I was enjoying sharing this movie I had such an amazing experience doing it. Being able to share it almost all over the world was really exciting and that was the most important.

I’ve never felt any pressure. An award, you have to celebrate when it’s there, you have to enjoy it when you get it, but I never expected or I never had a desire to get an award. I just have a desire to meet amazing directors and work with them. Of course when you are rewarded, you really have to enjoy it, but it’s not something that I want to expect.

As an awards veteran, any lessons you’ve learned over the past several seasons?
No, I remember when I started the whole red carpet process, I was really shy, I was really uncomfortable, but then yeah, you get to have fun, which is how you enjoy it. But, no, I always choose what I’m going to wear based on what I like and not what is out there.

Anything about awards season you’re looking forward to?
I never want to see ahead, so if something happens and I have to go to an awards show, I’ll choose then, but I don’t want to think ahead. I really want to enjoy the present time. I want to share the movie.

Do you see a lot of movies?
Well, I used to. Now I’m watching a lot of movies that I bought and DVDs. I don’t go to the theater that much anymore, because I didn’t have time and I spent my time off very far from a movie theater, but I love going to the movie. I watch a lot of movies.

What do you watch?
I watch a lot of documentaries and actually I went to the theater to see “Searching for Sugarman,” which is one of the most incredible stories ever. That artist that came back, you know, to the artistic world is really amazing. I was in shock.

And now what are you working on? Are you looking for your next project?
Yeah, I’ve I wanted to take a time off, I wanted to have my brain clear of stories and characters. I just wanted to go back to myself and the people I love, and so now I’m starting to read again. I’m very excited because I’m really looking for inspiring and great projects.

“Rust and Bone” hit theaters in limited release earlier this month.

Categories: Interviews

Tags: marion cotillard, Q&A, Rust and Bone, Rust and Bone, Marion Cotillard

Minggu, 10 Juli 2011



Tanggal Rilis : 16 March 2006 (South Korea)
Jenis Film : Comedy
Diperankan Oleh : Soo-Jang Baek, Tae-gyu Bong and Eun-ju Choi

Ringkasan Cerita FILM SEE YOU AFTER SCHOOL (2006) :

Namkoong Dahl is a loser, constantly teased and bullied at school. He is transferred to a new school, where he reunites with an old friend who advises him to pick a fight on his first day so bullies will respect him. When Namkoong sees some bullies picking on a girl he likes, he seizes his opportunity. Unfortunately one of the bullies is the toughest thug in school. The bully challenges Namkoong to a fight after school – a fight Namkoong will do anything to avoid.

[IMDb rating : 6.8/10]
[Awards : - ]
[Production Co : CINEON Entertainment]
[IMDb link : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0907840]

[Quality : DVDRip]
[File Size : 700 MB]
[Format : Avi]

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Kamis, 30 Juni 2011



Tanggal Rilis : 4 November 2010 (New Zealand)
Jenis Film : Drama
Diperankan Oleh : Dan Broad, Vicky Haughton and Elizabeth Hawthorne

Ringkasan Cerita FILM AFTER THE WATERFALL (2010) :

Forest ranger John Drean, is a father haunted by the disappearance of his four year-old daughter, and the subsequent breakup of his marriage. Three years after John’s daughter Pearl vanished, he seems trapped forever by the pain and anger of the past. When John discovers his ex-wife Ana is pregnant – to the policeman in charge of his missing daughter’s case – a complex drama unfolds.

[IMDb rating : 7.0/10]
[Awards : - ]
[Production Co : T.H.E. Films]
[IMDb link : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1510905]

[Quality : DVDRip]
[File Size : 700 MB]
[Format : Avi]

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Selasa, 14 Juni 2011



Tanggal Rilis : 21 May 2010 (Indonesia)
Jenis Film : Animation | Action | Adventure
Diperankan Oleh : Mike Myers, Cameron Diaz and Eddie Murphy
Ringkasan Cerita FILM SHREK FOREVER AFTER (2010) :

Post Power Syndrome memang bukan masalah yang ringan. Sindrom hilangnya kekuasaan ini sering kali mengacaukan hidup seseorang dan itulah yang terjadi pada Shrek (Mike Myers) setelah ia memutuskan hidup tenang dan menikahi Putri Fiona (Cameron Diaz). Setelah berkeluarga, Shrek bukan lagi ogre yang ditakuti orang seperti dulu. Ia hanyalah pria biasa yang berusaha menjadi kepala rumah tangga yang baik.

Suatu ketika masalah yang dihadapi Shrek ini tercium oleh Rumpelstiltskin (Walt Dohrn) yang segera saja memanfaatkan posisi lemah Shrek. Rumpelstiltskin mengatakan kalau ia bisa mengembalikan Shrek seperti dulu kala bila Shrek mau menandatangani perjanjian yang dibuat oleh Rumpelstiltskin.

Dalam sekejap mata Shrek berada di dunia lain yang sama sekali bertolak belakang dengan dunia yang ditinggali Shrek. Di dunia asing ini Rumpelstiltskin adalah seorang raja sementara Donkey (Eddie Murphy) adalah seekor keledai ilmuwan. Di dunia aneh ini Lord Farquaad (John Lithgow) ternyata masih hidup dan yang lebih parah lagi adalah kenyataan bahwa Fiona ternyata sama sekali tidak mengenal Shrek.

Waktu Shrek tak banyak. Ia hanya akan ada sampai esok hari karena ternyata sebagai imbalan dari apa yang diberikannya, Rumpelstiltskin telah mengambil satu hari terpenting dalam hidup Shrek, hari kelahirannya. Kalau sampai matahari terbit esok hari Shrek tak berhasil mendapatkan ciuman Fiona maka dunia tak akan pernah mengenal Shrek lagi. Celakanya, jangankan bisa mencium Fiona, mendekatinya saja sudah susahnya bukan main.

(Sumber : kapanlagi)

[IMDb rating : 6.6/10]
[Awards : 1 win & 6 nominations]
[Production Co : DreamWorks Animation, Pacific Data Images (PDI)]
[IMDb link : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0892791]

[Quality : BRRip]
[File Size : 450 MB]
[Format : Matroska >> mkv]

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Minggu, 12 Juni 2011



Tanggal Rilis : 12 November 2004 (USA)
Jenis Film : Action | Comedy | Crime
Diperankan Oleh : Pierce Brosnan, Salma Hayek and Woody Harrelson
Ringkasan Cerita FILM AFTER THE SUNSET (2004) :

The high-stakes action comedy After The Sunset begins where most great heist movies end with a pair of master thieves escaping to a tropical paradise to enjoy the spoils of their labor. But when an FBI agent, who has pursued them for seven years, becomes convinced that they are actually plotting to pull off a million-dollar theft from a nearby diamond cruise, a riveting game of cat and mouse begins.

[IMDb rating : 6.2/10]
[Awards : - ]
[Production Co : New Line Cinema, Firm Films, Contrafilm]
[IMDb link : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0367479]

[Quality : DVDRip]
[File Size : 350 MB]
[Format : mkv]

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